Think a Loved One May Have Cataracts? Here’s What to Do

Your aging mom still likes to drive, but you’ve noticed that she’s having a harder time reading street signs. Or maybe she’s always enjoyed playing tennis, but tracking the ball is getting difficult. It’s possible she’s one of the 50% of individuals who develop cataracts by the time they’re 75. It can be tough for seniors to acknowledge age-related vision problems, so it may take a loved one to help them understand that cataract surgery is needed.

At our Charleston, S.C., practice, Dr. Kerry Solomon recommends having the procedure done when the condition begins interfering with someone’s quality of life. Many people live for years with cataracts before scheduling a consultation. So how can you help a loved one take the steps to address this condition?

Here are some tips for how you can gently help the individual recognize that they might have cataracts.

  1. Ask some simple questions about their vision.
    • Does your vision seem blurry or cloudy while reading?
    • Have you had to change the prescription of your glasses more frequently?
    • Is glare making driving at night more difficult?
    • Do colors look washed out?
  2. Even if just 1 or 2 of these symptoms exist, suggest scheduling a consultation with Dr. Solomon. He’ll be able to either confirm that the loved one has cataracts, or discover whether another eye condition is contributing to their vision problems.
  3. Before the appointment, review the resources offered on our website. This can help reduce anxiety about cataract surgery, which is normal, and let the patient know what to expect. These previous blog posts are especially helpful:
    • Preparation: Research the procedure and plan ahead.
    • The experience: Patients are often surprised that the experience is actually rather pleasant.
    • Recovery: It’s helpful to know what to expect in the first hours and days after the surgery.

Dr. Solomon is one of the nation’s leading eye surgeons, and it can be comforting for seniors to know that patients travel to our practice for cataract surgery from Myrtle Beach to Savannah, and throughout the country.

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