Is There a Connection Between Smartphones and Eye Strain?

We probably all heard this one as a kid: “Don’t sit too close to the TV or you’ll strain your eyes!” Now fast forward to the age of smartphones, and everyone is constantly looking at a screen that’s only a few inches away from their eyes.

Glaucoma Awareness Month

This month is National Glaucoma Awareness Month. January is an important time to raise awareness and spread the word about glaucoma, its symptoms and its treatment. The disease is considered the “silent thief of sight” as there are virtually no symptoms associated with it and once vision is lost, it’s gone for good. As much as 40% of vision can be lost before any sort of change is noticed. Glaucoma is the leading cause of preventable blindness. Currently there is no cure for glaucoma, but with early detection and treatment, its effects can be slowed down and further vision loss can be prevented. Over 2.7 million Americans, and over 60 million people worldwide, have glaucoma. Experts estimate that half of these individuals don’t even know that they have the disease. With these numbers growing, it is very important to not only receive regular eye examinations, but to help raise awareness about the disease as well.

Why You Should Wear Sunglasses in the Winter

Most of us associate sunglasses with warm weather, hanging out at the beach, and other fun summertime activities, and while sunglasses are important for preventing UV damage to our eyes, most of us make the mistake of forgetting to wear our favorite shades during the cold, and sometimes snowy, winter months. Here are some important reasons why it is important to always remember to wear your sunglasses – any time of the year.

Eye Health in the Office

Experiencing red or watery eyes, blurred vision or difficulty focusing after a day at work can often be the result of staring at a computer screen for eight or more hours. Office environments can certainly take their toll on your eyes. Here are some common symptoms and simple solutions to help maintain healthy vision during your work day.

World Sight Day

World Sight Day takes place Thursday, October 10th. It is a global event that focuses on raising awareness about blindness and vision impairment as well as rehabilitation for those living with visual impairments. This event happens every year on the second Thursday in October.

Glaucoma and Why You Should Have Your Eyes Examined

Glaucoma is a group of eye diseases in which the optic nerve, which connects your eye to your brain, is damaged by the pressure of fluid inside your eye. There are two main types of glaucoma. One is primary open-angle glaucoma and the other is angle-closure glaucoma. These types of glaucoma are marked by an increase of intraocular pressure, or pressure inside of the eye. Secondary glaucoma refers to any case in which another disease contributes to or causes increased eye pressure.

August Is National Eye Exam Month

August can often be hectic as we rush to fit in the last bits of summer vacation before the school year starts and the weather cools down, but before you get too wrapped up in back-to-school or final summer plans, don’t forget about planning ahead for healthy vision by scheduling an eye exam for you and your family.

May Is Healthy Vision Month: Keep an Eye on Your Vision

May is Healthy Vision Month and offers up a great opportunity to learn about eye health and to make sure you and your family recognize the importance of regular comprehensive eye exams as a way to maintain healthy vision.

Too Much Sunlight Can Be Bad for Your Eyes

You may already wear sunglasses when going out for a walk on a nice summer’s day, or visiting the beach to relax or hang out in the surf, but did you know that ultraviolet (UV) rays from the sun can be just as harmful in the cold, winter months? In an article published in ModernMedicine, […]

Feast Your Eyes on Healthy Foods This Thanksgiving

Get ready to carve the turkey and feast on some delicious morsels this holiday. Even if you take in too many calories, you can rest assured that the eye-healthy nutrients found in a traditional Thanksgiving feast will be more than worth it. Carrots and sweet potatoes are full of Vitamin A. Make sure you get […]