Nutrients Essential for Eye Health Often Overlooked by Baby Boomers
Results of the “Eye of the Boomer” survey released by the Ocular Nutrition Society indicate that “Baby Boomers” don’t always realize the importance of proper eye care. Of 1,000 men and women surveyed between the ages of 45 and 66, 78% of them stated that vision loss was a primary health concern. However, nearly half […]
The Littlest Eyes
Contrary to what we might think, seeing does not come naturally. Babies learn to move their eyes, focus their eyes and process what they see. Good vision is a critical component of their development and necessary as they explore the world around them. It’s important that any vision problems be detected early so they don’t […]
The ABCs on UVs
In our last post, we highlighted an initiative called Don’t Fry Day as a way to bring attention to the importance of protecting both eyes and skin from harmful UV rays. But just what are these UV rays we hear so much about and just what damage can they do? According to The UV Learning […]
Summertime Protection is Key
Summer is so close we can taste it! The unofficial start of the summer season kicks off Memorial Day weekend as we head to the beach, fire up the grill and soak up some rays. And while those are great ways to spend the weekend, just don’t forget the shades and the sunscreen. As part […]
Focus on Healthy Vision
In May, we observe Healthy Vision Month with the focus on encouraging early detection and treatment as well as eye safety to avoid eye problems. According to the National Eye Institute, which sponsors Healthy Vision Month, “millions of people living in the United States have undetected vision problems, eye diseases and conditions.” Along with having […]
Eye Safety at Work
When we think about workplace injuries, we tend to think about things like back injuries and carpel tunnel syndrome. But according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, about 2,000 U.S. workers experience a job-related eye injury that requires medical treatment. About a third of those are bad enough to require hospital ER treatments […]
Fish Oil and Flaxseed for Dry Eyes
Dry eyes can be a serious problem for many people, but making some nutritional changes can help. Flaxseed oil and fish oil with their fatty acids can help relieve some of the symptoms of dry eyes, according to Fatty acids also can help reduce the risk of cataracts and macular degeneration. According to this […]
Keep the UV Rays Away
Prevent Blindness America is asking federal lawmakers to make UV eye protection a national health priority. Last week, the organization released a white paper summarizing discussions during a congressional briefing last fall in Washington, D.C. “There is an urgent need for intervention to protect our nation’s vision by educating the public on the dangers of […]
Healthy Vision Is Important for Business
Each March, Prevent Blindness America promotes Workplace Vision Wellness Month in an effort to educate companies and their employees about the importance of vision health and how that applies to the workplace. Prevent Blindness America is offering a vision wellness program free to employers. It includes posters and educational materials to encourage employees to take […]
Take Care of Your Eyes
Just as you care for your skin, your teeth and your heart, you can take steps to preserve your eyesight. Get regular eye exams. Typically in your 20s and 30s, you can schedule an eye exam every three to five years and two to four years in your 40s through mid-60s, according to Prevent Blindness […]