Pre-Tax Dollars to Pay For LASIK? It’s NOT Too Good to Be True!

If your employer has a flexible benefits plan (also called a “FLEX” or “cafeteria” benefits plan), you may be able to FLEX some financial muscle by using pre-tax dollars to pay for LASIK or another vision correction procedure.  Depending on your tax bracket, you may be able to save 30% or more.  It’s like creating your own hefty discount! If you are not familiar with your company’s flexible benefits plan, ask your human resources department how it works and how to enroll.  FLEX enrollment for the next calendar year takes place before the end of the preceding year, so it pays to plan ahead.  After you arrange to set aside these pre-tax dollars, call 881-EYES (3937) to schedule your complimentary consultation.   If you bring your insurance card with you, we will tell you whether your benefits include a discount on LASIK procedures. It really pays to plan ahead!    

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