Your Eyes and Summer
It’s summertime, and with summer comes many great warm weather activities and adventures. With so much to see and do and so much daylight to do it in, summer puts very specific demands on your vision. In order to enjoy your favorite outdoor activities during the summer months while still protecting your eyes, here […]
A Safe Summer: Sportglasses
When thinking about sports gear, eye protection may not be your first priority, but perhaps it should be. According to the Consumer Product Safety Commission, more than 42,000 sports-related eye injuries bring Americans to the emergency room each year. Most of these eye injuries could have been prevented, had players used eye safety gear. Eyesight […]
Keep ‘Em Covered
Mention injuries at home and the first ones to come to mind are probably things like hitting your knee on the coffee table, slipping on the porch stairs or throwing out your back lifting heavy furniture. Eye injuries may not be the first ones you think of, but almost half of the 2.5 million eye […]