June Is UV Safety Month: Protect Your Eyes From the Sun
June is here and that means summer is upon us! June also means that it’s UV Safety Month – a great time to spread the message of sun, fun and the effects of UV rays. Ultraviolet (UV) radiation is the main cause of skin cancer, but can also damage your eyes if you leave them unprotected. It is always important to protect your eyes from harmful UV rays, but it is especially important during the extended daylight hours of the summer.
Sports and Eye Safety
With warmer weather upon us, many of us are probably enjoying the sunshine by playing some recreational sports. Tens of thousands of sports-related eye injuries occur each year. The good news is that 90% of these serious eye injuries are easily preventable through the use of protective eyewear. The risk of eye injury varies depending on the activity, so make sure the level of eye protection you use is appropriate to the sport. Regular eyeglasses will not offer you proper protection when it comes to the safety of your eyes and vision.
May Is Healthy Vision Month: Keep an Eye on Your Vision
May is Healthy Vision Month and offers up a great opportunity to learn about eye health and to make sure you and your family recognize the importance of regular comprehensive eye exams as a way to maintain healthy vision.
Too Much Sunlight Can Be Bad for Your Eyes
You may already wear sunglasses when going out for a walk on a nice summer’s day, or visiting the beach to relax or hang out
Do You Have Cataracts? Sunglasses May Offer Valuable Protection to Your Eyes
For many of us, it’s no secret that harmful ultraviolet (UV) radiation from sunlight can damage skin and increase the risk of skin cancer. You
Eyes on Toy Safety This Holiday Season
Tis the season for snow, and gift-giving. Children everywhere are getting ready for the holidays, and their wish lists keep getting longer. However, your child
How to Find A GOOD LASIK Surgeon: The Consultation
If you have followed steps 1 through 4 of our blog posts to narrow your selection, your list no doubt includes the “cream of the
Feast Your Eyes on Healthy Foods This Thanksgiving
Get ready to carve the turkey and feast on some delicious morsels this holiday. Even if you take in too many calories, you can rest
Nutrients Essential for Eye Health Often Overlooked by Baby Boomers
Results of the “Eye of the Boomer” survey released by the Ocular Nutrition Society indicate that “Baby Boomers” don’t always realize the importance of proper
Diabetic Eye Disease Awareness Month
November is Diabetic Eye Disease Awareness Month! Prevent Blindness America wants to educate the public about diabetes and how it effects vision through its new
What’s New? Operation Sight!
Imagine having cataracts and being unable to afford the eye surgery needed to restore good vision and improve quality of life. Now, co-founders Dr. Kerry
How to Find a Good LASIK Surgeon: Ask About Technology
When you took step 3 and asked about experience, we hope you included Dr. Solomon. If you did, you no doubt discovered that he has