How Diabetes Affects Vision and Ocular Health

Diabetes threatens the health of numerous organs of the body, including the eyes. In fact, diabetics are more likely to develop eye problems than nondiabetics. If left untreated, these eye problems, collectively referred to as diabetic eye disease, can lead to blindness. Charleston ophthalmologist specialist Dr. Kerry Solomon shares more information about diabetic eye disease […]

Real Patient Stories: Fear of surgery, Causing Horror Story Images all for Nothing

When many think of having surgery, common thoughts and images in our brain involve blood and sharp tools. Some patients even imagine their experience is going to be equivalent to their worst nightmare. That is what cataract patient, Nancy T., expressed. She said we “couldn’t even imagine the images she had in her head” prior […]

Real Patient Stories: Not a LASIK Candidate? Now What?

Everyone can have LASIK, right? Unfortunately, that is not the case. Not all patients are good LASIK candidates for a multitude of reasons, but that does not mean there is not an alternative solution to achieve better vision. For patient, Katherine S., one of those alternative solutions changed her life. Katherine said that finding out […]

Top LASIK Myths

If you are considering LASIK, you likely have started to research the procedure. But how much of the information you have read about LASIK is actually true? Top Charleston LASIK surgeon Dr. Kerry Solomon is aware that there are a number of myths and misconceptions surrounding the procedure. In this blog post, the trusted surgeon […]

Does LASIK Last Forever?

[link pid=”41″][/link] One of the most frequently asked questions LASIK Specialist Dr. Kerry Solomon gets – and most persistent myths – is: how long does LASIK last?  Is it forever? Or does it wear off over time? LASIK eye surgery is permanent for the treatment of vision problems including nearsightedness (myopia), farsightedness (hyperopia), and astigmatism. […]

When Should You Have Cataract Surgery?

When your ophthalmologist specialist has diagnosed you with cataracts, one of the first questions is “When should I schedule cataract surgery” I give my Charleston, South Carolina patients this answer: The best time to have cataract surgery is when your blurred vision is making it difficult to do things you want or need to do. […]

How Much Should LASIK Cost…and Why?

If you’re in the market for LASIK eye surgery, in Charleston, South Carolina or anywhere else in the country, you’ve probably noticed lots of ads for low-cost LASIK and wondered why you should pay more than $999 per eye. Well, to start with, those low prices you see on billboards and hear in radio ads […]

After LASIK Eye Surgery, Recycle Your Contacts and Glasses

Publishing note: This post was updated on September 19, 2018 with the latest information and links available.  After you’ve had your LASIK eye surgery in Charleston, South Carolina, you might find you have some unused contacts and glasses sitting around that you no longer use with your improved vision from Dr. Kerry Solomon. So, what […]

Cataract Eye Surgery: Is It Time?

One of the most common uncertainties surrounding cataracts and cataract eye surgery is deciding when it’s the right time for surgery. Patients often wonder how they’ll know when their cataracts are ready to be removed; meanwhile, others worry about whether it’s possible to wait too long for cataract removal. The simplest answer is this: The […]

Can a Cataract Come Back after Surgery?

As a top cataract surgeon in Charleston and the nation, Dr. Kerry Solomon fields many questions from potential cataract patients. Among the most commonly asked questions he receives is, “Will my cataract come back after surgery?” The short answer is no, a cataract cannot return after surgery. However, some patients do experience a secondary clouding, […]