When Should You Have Cataract Surgery?

When your ophthalmologist specialist has diagnosed you with cataracts, one of the first questions is “When should I schedule cataract surgery” I give my Charleston, South Carolina patients this answer: The best time to have cataract surgery is when your blurred vision is making it difficult to do things you want or need to do. […]

Cataract Eye Surgery: Is It Time?

One of the most common uncertainties surrounding cataracts and cataract eye surgery is deciding when it’s the right time for surgery. Patients often wonder how they’ll know when their cataracts are ready to be removed; meanwhile, others worry about whether it’s possible to wait too long for cataract removal. The simplest answer is this: The […]

Can a Cataract Come Back after Surgery?

As a top cataract surgeon in Charleston and the nation, Dr. Kerry Solomon fields many questions from potential cataract patients. Among the most commonly asked questions he receives is, “Will my cataract come back after surgery?” The short answer is no, a cataract cannot return after surgery. However, some patients do experience a secondary clouding, […]

Real Patient Story: Finding the Right Cataract Surgeon

Choosing an eye surgeon is a huge decision that many have to make as they develop vision loss due to cataracts. Lots of patients look to those surrounding them for any advice on who to trust. Luckily for cataract patient, Maureen D., her friend of 30 years was there to help guide her. Maureen had a […]

How Laser Technology Improves Cataract Surgery

The addition of laser technology has greatly impacted how ophthalmologists perform a number of vision correction surgeries, including cataract surgery. One of the nation’s top cataract surgeons, Charleston ophthalmologist Dr. Kerry Solomon stays abreast of the latest advances in the field. In this blog post, he discusses how laser technology can enhance cataract surgery.

June Is Cataract Awareness Month

According to Prevent Blindness America, more than 22 million Americans age 40 and older have cataracts. This number is expected to reach 30 million by the year 2020. Cataracts, which usually begin with very few visible symptoms, can lead to blindness if left untreated. Dr. Kerry Solomon, one of the top cataract surgeons in Charleston […]

Can Cataract Surgery Help You Live Longer?

If you have been researching cataract surgery, then you are likely aware of how the procedure can help restore clear vision and make everyday activities like reading and driving easier. But did you know that cataract surgery may also help you live longer? This is according to a study conducted by the National Bureau of […]

What Causes Cataracts?

A cataract is a clouding and thickening of the eye’s natural lens, which lies behind the iris and the pupil. Cataracts are the most common cause of vision loss in people over 40, affecting 22 million Americans alone. Although they can develop at different times for different people, cataracts are generally considered an inevitability–if you live long enough, […]

Think a Loved One May Have Cataracts? Here’s What to Do

Your aging mom still likes to drive, but you’ve noticed that she’s having a harder time reading street signs. Or maybe she’s always enjoyed playing tennis, but tracking the ball is getting difficult. It’s possible she’s one of the 50% of individuals who develop cataracts by the time they’re 75. It can be tough for […]

The Evolution of Cataract Surgery

It’s easy to take for granted some of the advanced medical treatments available today. As an ophthalmologist in Mt. Pleasant, South Carolina who specializes in LASIK and refractive cataract surgery, I find it fascinating to look back on what was once considered “state-of-the-art” eye care. Cataract surgery continues to improve, and surgical innovations pioneered in […]