Dilated Eye Exams
You might think that because your vision is fine that your eyes are healthy, but receiving a comprehensive eye exam is the only way to be absolutely certain. During your visit both of your eyes will be closely examined for any signs of vision problems and eye diseases. The dilation of your eyes is a very important part of your comprehensive eye exam as it helps your doctor to get a clear picture of both your eye health and your overall well-being.
New Year’s Resolutions for Your Eyes
Happy New Year to all of you! With the start of 2015 comes resolutions to be the best that we can be in the New Year. Many of us make goals related to health or exercise — losing weight is one of the most common New Year’s resolutions, but one part of our body that tends to get overlooked is our eyes. This year, whether you’re looking to eat healthier, lose weight or bulk up; make it a point to get your eyes into the action.
What is Presbyopia?
One of the most common side effects of getting older is the loss of near perfect vision. All of a sudden you find yourself having to squint to see certain things, causing stress, eye strain and an overall feeling of annoyance. This decline in close-up vision is caused by a condition known as presbyopia, which can have a direct impact on your daily life. Without adequate vision correction, you can find yourself struggling to read important text on medicine bottles or on receipts.
Don’t Take Your Vision For Granted
It’s easy for many of us to take our physical health for granted. Running, jumping and even climbing stairs doesn’t seem like a task until you’ve sprained an ankle or even broken a bone or torn an ACL. Similarly, having healthy vision is something so taken for granted by many of us that it tends to recede into the back of our minds until one day our eyesight isn’t as crystal clear as we remember.
What are the most common causes of eye injuries?
Whether you’re playing an action-packed sport or just cleaning around the house, eye injuries can happen anytime, anywhere to anyone. The American Academy of Ophthalmology reported that more than 2.5 million eye injuries happen every year across the world with 100,000 of those injuries taking place in the U.S. Of those eye injuries 90% could have been prevented with protective eyewear. Ask your eye doctor about protective eyewear and take proper measures to better protect you and your family from eye injuries.
Exercise May Help Protect Your Eyes
Exercise can seem like a daily chore to some, but it actually may help our body in more ways than we think. A recent study suggests that exercise could protect our eyes as we age.
Foods to Help You Get More Shut Eye
In today’s fast-paced world it is very common to miss out on getting enough restful sleep each night. The challenge of balancing proper rest with everything else that needs to get done in a day can be very tricky. However, many are not aware that not getting enough rest can wreak havoc on your eyesight. While it’s obvious that lack of sleep can cause dark circles to appear under your eyes, not getting enough rest can interfere with your eye health.
Important Tips for Contact Lens Wearers
Are you one of the approximately 36 million Americans who wear contact lenses? Chances are that you went through a mini-course in proper hygiene with your eye doctor when you first obtained your prescription, but if you’re being completely honest, any typical morning might involve waking up, getting dressed, brushing your teeth, throwing in your contact lenses and quickly drinking some coffee before heading out the door to greet the day. That all-too-quick minute used to put in your contact lenses may seem as insignificant and routine as choosing a travel mug for your morning coffee, but think about it, those lenses you are hastily placing in your eyes are custom-fitted, doctor-prescribed medical devices that should be given a whole lot more consideration.
March is Workplace Eye Wellness Month
March is Workplace Eye Wellness Month. Whether you spend hours in front of a computer or use power tools at your day job, it is always important to keep eye health and safety in mind as the gift of sight is irreplaceable.
Proper Nutrition Promotes Good Eye Health
We all know that proper nutrition is crucial in maintaining long-term wellness, and as more and more Americans tackle issues associated with obesity, such as heart disease, diabetes, and even premature death, it is becoming more evident that poor nutrition has a negative effect on health. Proper nutrition isn’t just essential for your overall health, it’s also important for the health of your eyes.