This Cataract Laser Is a Real Beauty

Dr. Solomon recently welcomed a beautiful, new member to the Carolina Eyecare Physicians’ family: Bella, an FDA-approved femtosecond laser developed by LenSx®.  The laser, located at the Physicians’ Eye Surgery Center in Charleston, uses the same technology used in bladeless LASIK procedures. Designed for use in cataract procedures, Bella is one of only four bladeless […]

Glasses After Cataract Surgery?

In years past, people who had cataract surgery had to use thick, heavy lenses to provide focusing power. But intraocular – or implantable – lenses give eye surgeons the ability to replace the eye’s clouded natural lens with a crystal-clear artificial lens. The two types of cataract replacement lens are: Standard monofocal lenses – this […]

Could Skipping Meat Lessen Your Cataract Risk?

We all know eating more vegetables is a key component of good health, but eating more vegetables and less meat would be linked to a lower risk of cataracts. A Reuters Health article this week reports on a British study the found a 30-40 percent lower cataract risk among people who don’t eat meat. According […]

Cataract Correction Has Come a Long Way

More than 3 million people have a cataract procedure each year. Thankfully, the process has changed significantly over the last generation. Patients don’t have to spend time in the hospital or face a lengthy recovery. A cataract procedure is now an outpatient procedure in which the clouded lens is removed and an artificial replacement lens […]

Correcting Corneal Astigmatism

If your eye is functioning properly and allowing you to see in focus that means the surface of your cornea has a spherical curve – similar to the shape of a basketball. The light rays that pass through the eye bend toward the center and allow the eye to focus on one image. For some […]

Correcting Cataracts

As Americans grow older, their risk of cataracts dramatically increases. By the age of 80, more than half of all Americans have had a cataract or cataract surgery, according to the National Eye Institute. More than 1.3 million cataract surgeries are performed each year in the United States. As people age, the lens of their […]