After LASIK Eye Surgery, Recycle Your Contacts and Glasses
Publishing note: This post was updated on September 19, 2018 with the latest information and links available. After you’ve had your LASIK eye surgery in Charleston, South Carolina, you might find you have some unused contacts and glasses sitting around that you no longer use with your improved vision from Dr. Kerry Solomon. So, what […]
25 Reasons for Better Vision with LASIK – Part 2
This December, we’re celebrating 25 Days of Better Vision at Dr. Kerry Solomon’s LASIK Center in Charleston, SC. To help celebrate the incredible LASIK savings we’re offering, we also wanted to bring you some of our favorite reasons for pursuing LASIK, many inspired by testimonials and reviews from our actual patients. Part two of our […]
25 Reasons for Better Vision with LASIK – Part I
This December, we’re celebrating “25 Days of Better Vision” at Dr. Kerry Solomon’s LASIK center in Charleston, South Carolina. This inspired us to look back at some of our patient testimonials, reviews, and blog posts to bring you 25 of our favorite reasons for pursuing LASIK surgery. If you’re ready to start your own LASIK […]
Your Eyes and Summer
It’s summertime, and with summer comes many great warm weather activities and adventures. With so much to see and do and so much daylight to do it in, summer puts very specific demands on your vision. In order to enjoy your favorite outdoor activities during the summer months while still protecting your eyes, here […]
Allergies and Your Eyes
March 20th marks the first official day of spring — a day that many of us look forward to throughout the long winter months, but with spring’s beautiful weather and blooming flowers comes seasonal allergies. High levels of pollen, dust and other irritants can leave eyes feeling less than stellar. Approximately one fifth of all Americans suffer from eye allergies leaving them with itchy, swollen, watery, and red eyes.
Too Much Sunlight Can Be Bad for Your Eyes
You may already wear sunglasses when going out for a walk on a nice summer’s day, or visiting the beach to relax or hang out in the surf, but did you know that ultraviolet (UV) rays from the sun can be just as harmful in the cold, winter months? In an article published in ModernMedicine, […]
A Safe Summer: Sportglasses
When thinking about sports gear, eye protection may not be your first priority, but perhaps it should be. According to the Consumer Product Safety Commission, more than 42,000 sports-related eye injuries bring Americans to the emergency room each year. Most of these eye injuries could have been prevented, had players used eye safety gear. Eyesight […]