Who’s Your Eye Candy?

Go ahead and admit it…you know you have a little crush on Johnny Depp when he wears those dark-rimmed retro specs or maybe you like the uber-funny Tina Fey and her horn-rimmed glasses. We call those glasses-wearing celebs “eye candy.” So to have a little fun with Valentine’s Day and our favorite subject – eyes […]

Appreciate Your Visual Memory

We often take our sight for granted. We don’t always appreciate our ability to see the faces of loved ones, the beauty of the ocean at sunset or even something as simple as the trees and houses lining the streets we take to work each day. After reading about one Colorado woman’s condition, you’ll want […]

Kooky Eyeglasses Ideas

Night vision goggles, contact lenses, plastic eyeglasses and a variety of medical and surgical procedures top the list of inventions and developments that have impacted our vision. But as we welcome a new year, let’s take a look at one idea that’s just pure fun: New Year’s novelty glasses. A story in the Dec. 15 […]