Cataract Eye Surgery: Is It Time?

One of the most common uncertainties surrounding cataracts and cataract eye surgery is deciding when it’s the right time for surgery. Patients often wonder how they’ll know when their cataracts are ready to be removed; meanwhile, others worry about whether it’s possible to wait too long for cataract removal. The simplest answer is this: The […]

Real Patient Story: Finding the Right Cataract Surgeon

Choosing an eye surgeon is a huge decision that many have to make as they develop vision loss due to cataracts. Lots of patients look to those surrounding them for any advice on who to trust. Luckily for cataract patient, Maureen D., her friend of 30 years was there to help guide her. Maureen had a […]

Looking into LASIK? Here’s How to Understand the Research

If you are considering your vision correction options, particularly those beyond glasses and contact lenses, you are probably looking into LASIK. While it is comforting to see the enormous amount of clinical data supporting LASIK as safe and effective, it can be tough to wade through the technical language and scientific jargon often used in […]

Guidelines for Becoming a LASIK Candidate

Not everyone who needs glasses or contacts to see well enjoys wearing them, which is why – so far – more than 19 million people in the U.S. have had LASIK. The laser vision correction option is both safe and effective, which is why it is so popular. After 20 years of popularity, everyone has […]

How We Know LASIK is Safe

If you rely on glasses or contact lenses to see well, it is likely at some point you have wondered what it would be like to see without needing corrective lenses. Which means, you’ve thought about a laser vision correction procedure – like LASIK. Because it is elective surgery, it is important to weigh the […]

25 Reasons for Better Vision with LASIK – Part 2

This December, we’re celebrating 25 Days of Better Vision at Dr. Kerry Solomon’s LASIK Center in Charleston, SC. To help celebrate the incredible LASIK savings we’re offering, we also wanted to bring you some of our favorite reasons for pursuing LASIK, many inspired by testimonials and reviews from our actual patients. Part two of our […]

25 Reasons for Better Vision with LASIK – Part I

This December, we’re celebrating “25 Days of Better Vision” at Dr. Kerry Solomon’s LASIK center in Charleston, South Carolina. This inspired us to look back at some of our patient testimonials, reviews, and blog posts to bring you 25 of our favorite reasons for pursuing LASIK surgery. If you’re ready to start your own LASIK […]

LASIK Complication Rates: Get the Facts

When weighing a decision about an elective surgery, such as LASIK or other laser vision correction procedure, it is natural to want to thoroughly understand the potential risks and benefits.  Dr. Solomon and his team are here to answer any questions you have, and we understand you may want to do some independent research on […]

Charleston, SC: Your Destination for LASIK and More

As one of the top LASIK surgeons in the country, Dr. Solomon frequently sees patients who have traveled long distances to visit him in Charleston, SC. It’s no surprise that the summer months are a popular time for travel, including travel for vision correction.  In fact, in the span of just two weeks this summer, […]

Your Eyes and Summer

  It’s summertime, and with summer comes many great warm weather activities and adventures.  With so much to see and do and so much daylight to do it in, summer puts very specific demands on your vision. In order to enjoy your favorite outdoor activities during the summer months while still protecting your eyes, here […]