How to Find a GOOD LASIK Surgeon in 5 Easy (But Important!) Steps
It’s not too difficult to find a “good” LASIK surgeon, but these are YOUR eyes…so you should literally set your sights higher, because you should have the best LASIK surgeon you can find. So, how do you go about doing that? Beat the bushes? Look under rocks? No, it’s nothing like looking for a needle […]
Is LASIK a Good Way to Correct Your Vision?
“LASIK sounds great, but is it right for me?” We hear this question all the time, and our answer is always the same. There is only one way to know for certain what LASIK can or cannot do for you, and that’s by scheduling a consultation. You have nothing to lose by doing so, because […]
“Is LASIK Right For Me?”
Approximately 80% of the people who have LASIK vision correction are age 25 to 40, are nearsighted and want to improve their distance vision. LASIK gives them good vision may last the rest of their lives. If you are farsighted, the results are less dramatic. Farsighted candidates for LASIK typically fall into the 40 to […]
Pre-Tax Dollars to Pay For LASIK? It’s NOT Too Good to Be True!
If your employer has a flexible benefits plan (also called a “FLEX” or “cafeteria” benefits plan), you may be able to FLEX some financial muscle by using pre-tax dollars to pay for LASIK or another vision correction procedure. Depending on your tax bracket, you may be able to save 30% or more. It’s like creating […]
Is LASIK Really All That “Expensive”? Do the Math!
“Expensive” is a relative term…it depends on what you are comparing to the cost of LASIK. Yes, a nice dinner for two and a night out on the town may look like a bargain compared to what you would spend to have LASIK, but that event will be only a pleasant memory the next day. […]